Monday, February 22, 2010

TIE 512 Concept Map

My concept map is getting out of control. It has taken on a life of its own. I started it with the idea that I would put in the “major” concepts, but one idea led to another and next thing I knew it was a total mess. I know the point of the map is to organize my ideas but as I started to connect the boxes it began to look like a spider web. I have tried to make the major connections between the concepts.

The concept map made me think about the connection of the ideas that we have discussed in class and as a visual leaner I like doing maps to help me “see” the ideas. I do think though that at times less may be more. As the map grew I started to lose sight of some of the concepts and realized that most of them connect to each other. I am sure that I have left out parts that should be included; but as I have learned with my student’s concept maps that they are ever changing and growing according to new ideas and connections.

I have recently used a modeling/map with my students and it has helped many of them see the big picture and get their ideas organized. I am still working with a few students who get too caught up with too much map part and not enough concept part. I think with more practice and use the students will get better at the intent and goal of the maps. My concern is that there is not always enough computer time to map as much as we need. I would like to use a web-based program like Webspiration so that the students that can work out side of school have the opportunity. The concern is not to separate the haves and haves not. We want to close the gap not widen it.

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